The ETG Companies are a family office-owned, diversified global business group that partners with host governments, major corporations and international organizations to develop, finance and operate businesses, partnerships and projects worldwide in energy, technology, infrastructure and logistics.
The ETG Companies leverage a common core of knowledge- and relationship-intensive competencies that originated in 19th-century Asian national infrastructure development. The modern-day ETG companies serve society and deliver leadership in fields including alternative energy, clean fuels, energy technologies, and energy infrastructure and logistics; sustainable development; digital electronics, software and AI, medical devices, and communications; financial services; consumer goods; professional services; natural resources and real estate.
Today, the ETG Companies own, co-own or partner in over 20 businesses and projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, and are actively developing a portfolio of new, growth-oriented projects in partnership with national governments, state enterprises and major private-sector corporations around the world.
Global LPG Partnership launched: clean energy to improve 1 billion lives
To improve health and livelihoods for millions of energy-poor families and fight deforestation, ETG and other leading public and private sector organizations launched this public-private clean energy partnership under the UN's Sustainable Energy for All initiative.
ETG re-teams with leading speech and signal processing scientist to develop next-generation communications innovations
ETG has once again teamed with the renowned Dr. Harry Levitt, PhD, to develop a new generation of breakthrough hearing and audio technologies under the Audimax brand.
G20 Business embraces recommendations on clean energy for development
Photo courtesy B20 Argentina 2018
ETG executives led in the efforts of the G20, through its B20 business policy advisory body, to embrace support for UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 and achieving universal access to clean, modern energy in the developing world.